The lockdown week

8 March-International Women's Day a.k.a. the day of mass panic in Bulgaria

8 March 2020 Bulgaria confirmed its first two cases, a 27-year-old man from Pleven and a 75-year-old woman from Gabrovo. Neither of the two reported having traveled to areas with known coronavirus cases. The man tested positive for the virus after being hospitalized for a respiratory infection, and authorities announced plans to test several people who were in contact with the two individuals. Two other samples in Pleven and Gabrovo were found positive on 8 March. Patient zero remains unknown.

The government issued a nationwide ban on closed-door public events. Theaters, stadiums and cinemas are closed.

Social medias are pouring you with speculations and lies.

However, the news about the confirmed case didn't interfere Bulgarians to have a drink and celebrate. COVID-19 caused mass panic for a several houers then everything was back to normal.

I went out at 7PM to have dinner with a couple of friends and outside was as if there is not such think like "Coronavirus pandemic". The weathear that day was perfect and a lot of people took the advantage of it.

Prevention starts with YOU

10 March-the day of crazy posting and speculating

Two additional cases were confirmed in Sofia on 10 March 2020: a 74-year-old man and his 66-year-old wife. People are panicing again but not for long, they are too busy with buying toilet paper and canned food.

The minister of education tries to make decisions about online courses.

I am not afraid of the virus. It seems to me that all of that is a big lie. I count on my young and strong immune system. I am going to a Birthday party. There are posts in the social media that alcohol kills the virus so let's party.

In case of boredom watch tutorials:

12 March-the day of crazy posting and speculating pt.2

By 12 March, the number of cases had increased to 23, most of them in Sofia. Many of these had been in contact with the elderly couple admitted to Pirogov Hospital on 10 March.

I log in facebook and I can't see nothing diffrent than "Coronavirus in Sofia","Coronavirus is a lie", "COVID-19 is like cancer ". I log out. I turn on the TV and guess what! News only about COVID-19.

I realise that it may not be a joke. My parents are freaking out.

My home town is still "alive". People are outdoors and happy. Probably because the virus is 300km away. I am happy because I am having a coffee with my friends in my favourite cafe.

The goverment informed us that there is a possibility of canceling the prom and postponing the matriculation.

13 March- unlucky 13 Friday is real thing tho...

I woke up at 11AM and I am so calm that it feels like COVID-19 doesn't exist unlike my parents who are about to go crazy.

Iveta(my best friend) is calling me and literally screaming and freaking out because the school is closed and we can't get our books from the lockers. Our classmates informed us that principals allow us to go get our books but the school is opened just for a half an hour.

So we went to school and it was closed,we were late and furious.

On 13 March, after 16 reported cases in one day, Bulgaria declared a state of emergency for one month until 13 April. Schools, shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants, and other places of business were closed. All sports events were suspended. Only supermarkets, food markets, pharmacies, banks and gas stations remain open.

That's what I call 13 Friday :(

14 March- fight COVID-19 with humour

It seems that Bulgarians are bored since Day1. Cafes and Disco clubs are closed for a month and this makes Bulgarians come up with a unique idea. ONLINE DISCO CLUBS. Thousands of people watch them and actually like them. I feel like our nation is uniting.

Also every night at 9PM people applaud Front-line Medics from their blaconies which is awesome because people thank strangers that sacrifice their health in the name of our nation.

Another thing that bulgararians do to cope with the bad news and facts about COVID-19 is to create memes. I admit that is quite creative and makes people more comfortable with the virus also bulgarian humour colorful and it helps people to remain their joy and happines and as you know laugh is the best medicine.

Bulgarian professor, doctor, officer, major-general of the Military Medical Service. Since February 24, 2020 he has been the Head of the National Coronavirus Operational Headquarters in Bulgaria.

The baby:When my teeth will grow?
The General: They won't

Sping is coming
The general: Don't come
